In this episode of Saving America, I discuss the terrorist attack by Noah Green that killed one Capitol policeman and injured another, and give an update on the southern border situation. I do a round-up of rumors, including that a woke mob is halting construction of a highway and that the Biden administration is sending money to Iran and to Palestine. My guest this week is Jonathan McElvy of McElvy Partners. Jonathan owns and operates several community newspapers, and joined me to discuss the perks of truly local news coverage as well as the meta-crisis currently being faced by the news media. #Podcast #Videos #Politics #CapitolAttack #Terrorism #NoahGreen #Border #BorderCrisis #News #Rumors #Biden #WokeMob #Iran #Palestine #Newspapers #Interview #Media #SavingAmerica
As always, the opinions expressed in this podcast are mine and my guests’ and not the opinions of my university, my company, or the businesses with which I am connected.
I am an attorney and speaker as well as the founder and CEO of Claremont Management Group, a consulting firm in Houston, Texas. I’m also a tenured professor and the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs at the University of St. Thomas. I have written and published The Decline of America: 100 Years of Leadership Failures, a thought-provoking, non-partisan book that reviews the last 100 years of American Presidents (from Wilson through Obama), offering not just criticism, but common sense solutions to help fix America before it’s too late.
I also host the podcast Business Law 101, where I discuss the legal concepts all business owners need to know. Remember to subscribe to and rate Saving America and Business Law 101 in your favorite podcast app!