What’s New in America?
We’re keeping tabs on what’s happening in America – and what that means for Americans.
Saving America 253
In his most recent act of political theater, Biden is rehashing the nuclear deal Obama made with Iran nearly a decade ago. Because we all know what a model global citizen Iran has been since then…
#Iran #NuclearDeal #Biden #ForeignRelations
Saving America 252
Freedom itself is at risk in 2023. We need to look past party politics and make compromises to address real issues faced by real Americans – or to eliminate both political parties in favor of people who will get the job done.
#Freedom #July4th #PartyPolitics #Republicans #Democrats #Compromise
Saving America 250
Donald Trump has been indicted for running for President again – and neither political party will be happy with the ramifications for the 2024 election.
#DonaldTrump #JoeBiden #TrumpIndictment #Crime #Election2024
Saving America #248
Sometimes it’s hard to choose which of Biden’s fiascos to focus on first. The FHA’s woke mortgages? The Hunter Biden clown show? The debt ceiling drama? The Border Crisis murders? The Lightfoot/Abbott boxing match? It makes for an uncomfortable climate to live in … but also an entertaining Saving America season premiere!
#Biden #WokeMortgage #GregAbbott #LoriLightfoot #HunterBiden #DebtCeiling #BorderCrisis
Saving America #247
Against all logic, Biden will run again in 2024. He’s NOT too old run for office – but he is far too stupid for us to risk another four years with him in charge of the country.
#Biden #Age #Discrimination #Election2024 #Stupidity
Saving America #245
Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein have BOTH served long, long past their expiration dates. It’s time to take out the trash!
#MitchMcConnell #DianneFeinstein #TermLimits #Senate #Government
Saving America #243
Trump’s indictment is one in a chain of questionable decisions by a weaponized legal system. We may as well be “Back in the USSR!”
#Politics #Russia #Justice #TrumpIndictment #DonaldTrump #Jan6 #conservative
Saving America #242
In spite of the new START accord, Biden still plans to overshare about our nuclear information. Russia, big shock, will provide nothing in return. Because THAT’s a logical deal, Joe…
Russia #NuclearWeapons #ForeignRelations #War #Biden #Putin #STARTAccord
Saving America #240
Isn’t it interesting that the board of Silicon Valley and Signature banks, whom the Feds have rushed to bail out, are also loaded with Biden’s supporters? This stinks so much we can smell it all the way here in Houston, Joe!
#Business #Banks #Bailout #Bidenflation #SiliconValleyBank
Saving America #239
Forget climate change – this Cold War 2 with China is America’s existential threat. We must stop squabbling with each other, secure our borders, and build up our technological prowess now, before we literally cease to exist.
#ForeignRelations #China #ColdWar #Russia #BorderCrisis #Technology
Saving America #238
The Trump indictment is just further proof that leftist lunatics will stop at nothing to consolidate their power, propping up a broken justice system that already has Jan 6th protesters rotting in prison while Portland & Minneapolis rioters party, and Supreme Court justices threatened for doing their jobs.
#TrumpIndictment #DonaldTrump #Jan6th #Justice #SupremeCourt
Saving America #235
The cold-blooded murder of a Catholic bishop in California is only one of a slew of senseless attacks on religion recently, while the media and certain leftist politicians tacitly encourage the trend. We stand up for religion, before it’s too late!
#Religion #Faith #Violence #Murder
Saving America #234
The State of the Union featured a litany of lies from Biden, on everything from inflation and the war in Ukraine to the national debt and the jobs report. It’s time for a change in America.
#Biden #StateoftheUnion #Inflation #Ukraine #Russia #NationalDebt #Jobs
Saving America #233
To the surprise of absolutely no one, Biden bungled the Chinese spy balloon situation, failing to shoot it down until it had crossed the entire country and surveilled key military bases. We need leaders that let the military do its job.
#Biden #China #Military #ForeignRelations #ChineseSpyBalloon
Saving America #232
The ballot paper shortage in Houston, which disproportionately affected Republican voters, was so bad during the 2022 midterm elections that the governor of Texas is calling for an unprecedented do-over.
#Election2022 #BallotPaperShortage #Houston #Texas #Abbott #Midterms #Republicans
Saving America #231
The answer to the Fentanyl crisis is deterring the cartels with common-sense measures: closing the borders, executing drug smugglers and dealers, and educating our kids (NOT handing out Narcan like candy, like in the LA public schools).
#Fentanyl #Addiction #Drugs #Education #BorderCrisis #Cartel #Narcan #LosAngeles #PublicSchools
Saving America #227
It is long past time for America to pivot its primary focus away from mere social trends and back to actual existential issues, such as the increasingly dangerous cold war with China.
#ForeignRelations #China #ColdWar #CCP
Saving America #221
The illegal Teamsters bailout and laughably unequal swap of Brittney Griner for Viktor Bout almost make me wish I were a gambling man, since Biden would clearly be an easy mark.
#Politics #Biden #Unions #Bailout #Russia #BrittneyGriner
Saving America #220
The breakthrough is fusion power is encouraging, but it’s nowhere near ready for mass use. There’s great potential – assuming climate change hysteria doesn’t derail us all in the decades we need to develop the technology.
#Science #Environment #Fusion #Power #OilandGas #ClimateChange #Hysteria
Saving America #218
The desired and anticipated “red wave” was barely a trickle in the 2022 election, and the Republicans themselves were a big reason why. Check out Saving America 218 to see where they went wrong and how they prevent disaster in 2024.
#Politics #MidtermElections #DonaldTrump #TrumpLawsuit #GASenate #GARunoff #HerschelWalker #DrOz #KariLake #MitchMcConnell #CampaignSpending #SocialMedia
Saving America #217
The hallmark of a solid democracy is a justice system that operates without regard to politics, but the FBI and the larger American justice system are already midway down that rabbit hole. Check out Saving America 217 for the full story!
#Politics #FBI #HunterBiden #Parents #SocialMediaCensorship #Whistleblowers #TrumpRaid #Abortion #ScottPerry
Saving America #211
On Saving America 211, we’re running out of diesel fuel because a tiny group of crazy people has taken over our federal government and a couple of key states. We need to elect pro-energy people in droves.
#Fuel #Election2024 #Energy #OilandGas #GasPrices #Diesel #DieselShortage #SupplyChainCrisis
Saving America #204
On Saving America 204, the midterm elections are finally upon us – and not a moment too soon, because election fatigue is real this year!
#Election2022 #VoteEarly #ElectionFatigue #Abortion #NuclearWar #China #Leadership #Inflation #Crime #Education
Saving America #197
I discuss my recent experiences with social media fraudsters and highlight the commonalities I have observed between them. Social Media Fraud Panel Discussion, Part 6 of 10.
#Fraud #WhiteCollarCrime #SocialMedia #Cryptocurrency
Saving America #196
On Saving America 196, Big Media once again show their political bias by largely ignoring the murder of Las Vegas reporter Jeff German (allegedly) at the hand of Democratic politician Robert Telles.
#BigMedia #Politics #Media #PoliticalBias #RobertTelles #Murder #JeffGerman #LasVegas
Saving America #192
On Saving America 192, I commemorate the loss of Queen Elizabeth II and welcome King Charles III – and new Prime Minister Liz Truss – to the world stage.
#ForeignRelations #UK #ElizabethII #CharlesIII #LizTruss
Saving America #185
Crime is up 30% in New York City in just over a year as two instances make headlines: Congressman Lee Zeldin was attacked while giving a speech to promote his campaign for New York governor, while a turnstile jumper violently attacked the police who intended to ticket him in a now-viral video.
#Crime #NewYorkCity #LeeZeldin #TurnstileJumper
Saving America #162
The FDA keeps the Abbott plant closed despite their insistence that they can safely reopen, and Biden ships formula to migrants at the border. Meanwhile, the formula shortage continues to threaten the lives of America’s children.
#FDA #JoeBiden #FormulaShortage #SupplyChainBreakdown #BorderCrisis
Saving America #158
Like all memorable dictators, Biden now seeks to control the news with his Disinformation Board. And insult to injury is its director: Nina Jankowicz, the girl who cried cyber-bully.
#DisinformationGovernanceBoard #JoeBiden #NinaJankowicz #BigMedia #Censorship
Saving America #152
India cannot back the USA and NATO on sanctions against Russia, because they absolutely cannot afford to alienate them.
#ForeignRelations #NATO #India #Russia #Sanctions
Saving America #150
Biden has made terrible choices for the USA’s economy that have led to hyperinflation. Coming up next: bribes and price controls?
#JoeBiden #Economy #Inflation #Hyperinflation #SupplyChainBreakdown
Saving America #148
The Congressional hearings for Big Oil were a ridiculous farce. The oil and gas industry makes a far lower percentage of profits than many other major industries, and we need them until there are economically viable clean energy solutions. Can we just not with the witch hunt?
#Congress #Hearing #BigOil #OilandGas #Economy #Environment #Energy #ElectricCars
Saving America #147
Bidumb ending Title 42 and Remain in Mexico exacerbates the border crisis, while doing absolutely nothing to alleviate the backlog of applications for legal immigration.
#JoeBiden #Title42 #RemainInMexico #Immigration #BorderCrisis #ForeignRelations #Mexico
Saving America #144
Equality in sports has come a long way since Title IX was introduced, and it’s unfair to legitimate females to let male athletes pretend to switch gender just so they can compete against women.
#Sports #Gender #GenderIdentity #Transgenderism #WomensRights #TitleIX #Equality
Saving America #143
Putin has done terrible things, but he didn’t cause America’s runaway inflation – Bidumb and the Dumocrats have that dubious distinction.
#Economy #Inflation #SupplyChainBreakdown #JoeBiden #VladimirPutin #Russia
Saving America #141
Officially, inflation is at 7.5% in America, but for the middle class and especially for the working class, actual inflation is much higher.
#Economy #Inflation #SupplyChainBreakdown #Poverty #MiddleClass #WorkingClass
Saving America #137
Yes, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has made a bad oil and gas situation worse. But Biden compromising America’s morals by buying from terrorists in Iran and communists in Venezuela is not an acceptable solution.
#ForeignRelations #Russia #Ukraine #Iran #Venezuela #Terrorism #OilandGas #JoeBiden
Saving America #134
On Saving America 134, my new book “Bad Deal for America” examines America’s politicians as a deck of cards getting rich off the high-stakes game they’re playing with taxpayer money. We must implement term limits, since they certainly aren’t holding themselves accountable.
#BadDealForAmerica #WashingtonDC #Accountability #TermLimits #Politicians
Saving America #133
On Saving America 133, here’s a novel idea. What if instead of blowing trillions of dollars on green pork and ignoring actual infrastructure, we repaired our own roads and bridges AND held our local government accountable for its actions?
#Infrastructure #GreenPork #HumanInfrastructureBill #Accountability
Saving America #132
On Saving America 132, America should absolutely help defend Ukraine. But let’s not let Biden use Russia’s aggression to distract us from his laundry list of failures: inflation, increased crime, gas prices, supply chain issues, etc. We must hold him accountable.
#ForeignRelations #Russia #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #JoeBiden #Inflation #Crime #GasPrices #SupplyChainBreakdown
Saving America #129
On Saving America 129, there are good reasons for America to care about Russia’s unhealthy interest in Ukraine – not least of which is the startling parallel between Putin and Hitler.
#ForeignRelations #Russia #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #AdolfHitler
Saving America #127
On Saving America 127, requiring an ID to vote is a common-sense fraud prevention measure already used extensively around the world. Protecting election integrity is not voter suppression!
#Elections #VoterID #VoterFraud #ElectionIntegrity #Fraud #CommonSense
Saving America #126
On Saving America 126, not content with shipping migrants around the USA by night, Biden okays using America’s retirement money to fund woke causes and a tax break for journalists, putting Big Media in an ethical dilemma.
#JoeBiden #BorderCrisis #RetirementFunds #Taxes #WokeMob #BigMedia #Journalists #Ethics
Saving America #125
On Saving America 125, Biden’s Border Crisis has once again ended in tragedy. An illegal immigrant masquerading as an unaccompanied minor murdered his foster father in Florida. Fentanyl also continues to stream across the border, killing thousands.
#JoeBiden #BorderCrisis #Crime #Murder #Florida #Fentanyl
Saving America #124
On Saving America 124, Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate, unsurprisingly, didn’t stand up in court. Meanwhile, gender identity and zero-emission vehicles are now infrastructure, at least according to the Infrastructure Bill.
#JoeBiden #OSHA #VaccineMandate #HumanInfrastructureBill #ElectricCars #GenderIdentity
Saving America #123
On Saving America 123, Biden has mismanaged America into chaos with runaway inflation and soaring gas prices as a winter emergency looms. His solution is to release the Strategic Petroleum Reserves – approximately 2 days’ worth of oil.
#JoeBiden #Economy #Inflation #OilandGas #Winter #StrategicPetroleumReserves
Saving America #122
On Saving America 122, Biden wants to Build Back Worse by forcing amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, while big banks are using slush funds to legally evade paying tax penalties.
#JoeBiden #BuildBackBetterAct #BorderCrisis #Immigration #BigBanks #Taxes #SlushFunds
Saving America #121
On Saving America 121, you can safely consume CO2, so naming it a pollutant is ridiculous. But, what did you expect from the luddites in Washington DC?
#Environment #ClimateChangeMyth #CO2 #Pollution #WashingtonDC
Saving America #120
On Saving America 120, Wisconsin elections are under the microscope after nursing home staff illegally cast ballots for residents – both dead and alive. Clearly you don’t even need a physical form to vote these days.
#Elections #ElectionIntegrity #Election2020 #Wisconsin #VoterFraud
Saving America #119
On Saving America 119, Christmas came early for America’s economy – a fact often glossed over while analyzing the October jobs report.
#Economy #JobsReport #Business #Unemployment
Saving America #117
On Saving America 117, Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman murdered 4 seniors to make money for meth. Scum like this deserves the death penalty, not life in prison.
#DeathPenalty #Murder #Crime #Prison
Saving America #116
On Saving America 116, John Kerry is a major shareholder in Longi, a company known to use slave labor from Uyghur camps to produce its solar panels.
#JohnKerry #Uyghur #SlaveLabor #HumanRights
Saving America #115
On Saving America 115, Merrick Garland declares concerned parents protesting school board meetings domestic terrorists in his latest sop to leftist insanity. America dodged a bullet when he was not made a Supreme Court justice.
#MerrickGarland #MaskMandates #SchoolBoardProtest #RegressiveProgressives #SupremeCourt
Saving America #114
On Saving America 114, Bidumb’s approval rating dropped dramatically in 2021, earning him the distinction of the largest drop since LBJ in 1953. And for good reason – he’s a disgrace to his office.
#JoeBiden #ApprovalRating #History #LBJ
Saving America #113
On Saving America 113, Bidumb’s latest lunacy is gifting $1B to migrant families separated at the border by Trump – but not those separated by Obama when he was VP.
#JoeBiden #BorderCrisis #Immigration #DonaldTrump #BarackObama #Taxes
Saving America #111
On Saving America 111, the Biden administration has been secretly processing unaccompanied, undocumented kids from the southern border and moving them around America in the middle of the night to hide their numbers.
#JoeBiden #BorderCrisis #Immigration #Cover-Up
Saving America #110
On Saving America 110, in case anyone is still claiming leftist radicalization at universities is a myth, filmmaker Ari Horowitz claimed to be raising funds for the Taliban at UC Berkeley – and the students gave him money.
#RegressiveProgressives #WokeMob #Taliban #Education #California
Saving America #109
On Saving America 109, tyranny is obviously sanctioned in leftist America, as Big Tech keeps the Taliban on social media, Iran is not sanctioned, and Biden can’t remember the USA’s official foreign policy toward Taiwan.
#RegressiveProgressives #ForeignRelations #BigTech #Terrorism #Afghanistan #Iran #Taiwan #JoeBiden
Saving America #108
On Saving America 108, with the woke mob running the schools, students are repeatedly trained to define themselves in terms of privilege and deficits, which is the true tragedy of leftist ideology. Former guest Andrea Widburg’s insightful article on the subject was published in the American Thinker, and is available to read here: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/10/apparently_righthanded_privilege_is_a_thing.html
#RegressiveProgressives #WokeMob #AndreaWidburg #Education
Saving America #107
On Saving America 107, parents are right to be worried about the leftist woke agenda the schools are passing off as education for kids.
#RegressiveProgressives #WokeMob #Parenting #Education
Saving America #106
On Saving America 106, the Cartel fired shots over the Texas border. There’s a word for this; it’s called war. Meanwhile, Bidumb is giving illegal immigrants child tax credits. No wonder America has a border crisis! And, accidentally unsealed documents show the US government sanctions Google’s spying – and is demanding the results to be used for “keyword warrants.” But as show in the Kyllo case, they may not be able to use the information even if they receive it.
#BorderCrisis #Cartel #Texas #Taxes #JoeBiden #Immigration #TaxCredit #Law #Google #BigTech #KeywordWarrants #Kylo
Saving America #104
On Saving America 104, Merck has a COVID pill – and plans to fleece America’s taxpayers for it, after they helped fund the research. Meanwhile, the New York Times admits it lied, egregiously, about child COVID statistics.
#COVID19 #Healthcare #Taxes #Merck #COVIDpill
Saving America #103
On Saving America 103, whether they’re propping up the CCP’s terrorist occupation of China or skipping border security meetings, Bidumb, Giggles, and the REgressives (not “progressives”) cannot seem to get it together on foreign policy.
#JoeBiden #RegressiveProgressives #KamalaHarris #BorderCrisis #ForeignRelations #China #CCP #terrorism
Saving America #100
On Saving America 100 (!), full time homeschooling (NOT COVID-forced “virtual learning”) has seen enormous success in America over last few years. So of course, Bidumb and the REgressives see it as a threat and want to ban it.
#Homeschooling #COVID19 #JoeBiden #RegressiveProgressives #Education
Saving America #99
On Saving America 99, under the Dave Schein tax audit plan, the IRS would focus on cash transactions and stop targeting 1099 contractors and small businesses. Meanwhile, China’s legal shenanigans offer a … creative solution to Intellectual Property Law.
#IRS #Taxes #Audits #SmallBusiness #Business #1099Contractors #ForeignRelations #China #IntellectualProperty #Law
Saving America #98
On Saving America 98, Mitch McConnell and the Republicans caved and raised the debt ceiling, making Chuck Schumer gloat. Meanwhile, Elon Musk shows common sense by moving Tesla to Texas.
#MitchMcConnell #ChuckSchumer #DebtCeiling #ElonMusk #California #Texas #Tesla
Saving America #97
On Saving America 97, the CCP celebrates its terrorist takeover of China by invading Taiwan’s airspace, AGAIN, as Biden & AOC urge America to “tax the rich” and ensure the USA’s financial ruin. Meanwhile, homeschooling is skyrocketing, which suggests that parents have noticed the failure of the education system.
#JoeBiden #Taxes #TaxTheRich #AOC #ForeignRelations #China #CCP #Homeschooling #Education #Taiwan #Military
Saving America #96
On Saving America 96, Bidumb has appointed Cornell professor and Lenin enthusiast Saule Omarova to run the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the USA’s top banking regulator). Her communist agenda includes a regressive rehash of the failed New Deal- era Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
#JoeBiden #SauleOmarova #Communism #Banking #History #NewDeal
Saving America #95
On Saving America 95, Biden’s wasteful Human Infrastructure Bill includes a child tax credit for illegal immigrants, actively incentivizing the continual border crisis.
#JoeBiden #Immigration #BorderCrisis #HumanInfrastructureBill #Taxes #TaxCredit
Saving America #93
On Saving America 93, Bidumb is too busy processing illegal DACA applications to rescue the remaining Americans trapped in Afghanistan, even as the Taliban escalates its reign of terror.
#JoeBiden #Immigration #BorderCrisis #DACA #Terrorism #Taliban #Afghanistan
Saving America #92
On Saving America 92, as the USA bleeds money into wasteful extravagances like the Human Infrastructure Bill, America apparently can’t afford to police its recent refugees or even test them for COVID, measles, or polio. Thanks, Bidumb!
#JoeBiden #HumanInfrastructureBill #WastefulSpending #BorderCrisis #Healthcare #Vaccines
Saving America #91
On Saving America 91, can we just talk about language for a moment? A Progressive is what Teddy Roosevelt was called as he helped usher in the industrial revolution in the USA. A Regressive is what we should be calling Bidumb, Giggles Harris, Bernie Sanders, and the other would-be communist clowns currently occupying DC.
#JoeBiden #Language #RegressiveProgressive #History #TeddyRoosevelt #KamalaHarris #BernieSanders #WashingtonDC #Communism
Saving America #90
On Saving America 90, Bidumb has added yet another disaster to the already cataclysmic Afghanistan crisis by killing 10 innocents -7 of them children, none of them terrorists – in a retaliatory drone strike attempting to avenge the 13 military personnel killed in August.
#JoeBiden #ForeignRelations #Afghanistan #Military #Blunders #Terrorism
Saving America #89
On Saving America 89, preventable childhood diseases (such as measles) are on the rise in the USA, partially thanks to the unvaccinated refugees Bidumb is importing. Meanwhile, the staggering racial divide in test scores shows America is failing to care for the people we already have.
#BorderCrisis #Immigration #JoeBiden #Healthcare #Vaccines #Measles #Healthcare #Racism #Education
Saving America #88
On Saving America 88, the southern border crisis became a humanitarian crisis as 15,000 migrants descended on Del Rio, TX and Biden scrambled through a poorly orchestrated cover-up. Meanwhile, the trillions of dollars wasted in the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts went to private contractors in the U.S. defense industry and the Middle East.
#BorderCrisis #ForeignRelations #Military #Afghanistan #Immigration #JoeBiden #Cover-Up
Saving America #85
On Saving America 85, Biden’s free-for-all at the USA/Mexico border and his insistence on bringing in 95,000 Afghanistan refugees do nothing to ensure we bring in the documented, well-vetted immigrants we rely on in America.
#JoeBiden #BorderCrisis #ForeignRelations #Mexico #Afghanistan #Immigration
Saving America #84
In Saving America 84, the jobs report showcases Bidumb’s weak leadership of America, and China seizes the moment to invade Taiwan’s airspace and proposes to occupy the USA’s former airforce base at Bagram.
#JoeBiden #Jobs #ForeignRelations #China #Taiwan #Afghanistan #Military
Saving America #83
On Saving America 83, the woke mob takes politics personal and plummets the USA to new lows as the National Archives labels the Constitution and America’s other founding documents as “harmful content.”
#WokeMob #Constitution #Censorship #History #FoundingDocuments
Saving America #82
On Saving America 82, as America smashes into its debt ceiling, the Dems maintain their crazed focus on the unnecessary and expensive Human Infrastructure Bill, and even beg conservatives to give them more money.
#DebtCeiling #Money #WastefulSpending #HumanInfrastructureBill
Saving America #80
On Saving America 80, is the Bidumb administration intentionally blocking rescue efforts to hide the more sordid details of the Afghanistan Crisis?
#JoeBiden #Military #ForeignRelations #Afghanistan #CoverUp
Saving America #79
On Saving America 79, the BLM movement has chosen to ignore the attack on conservative radio host Larry Elder, and in so doing proves it is more about power and politics than racial equality.
#BlackLivesMatter #Racism #LarryElder #PartisanPolitics #Power
Saving America #78
On Saving America 78, Bidumb wants to destroy America’s business competitiveness by hiking corporate taxes, while Kevin Clinesmith’s law license is reinstated (apparently, it’s okay to abuse power if it’s for partisan politics).
#JoeBiden #Taxes #Business #KevinClinesmith
Saving America #77
On Saving America 77, America needs to focus on building positive trade and business relationships with Africa, which is flush with natural resources that China is already exploiting.
#ForeignRelations #Trade #Business #Africa #China #Resources
Saving America #76
On Saving America 76, virus samples from early COVID patients have been genetically linked to henipavirus, which was sent to Wuhan Labs by a disgruntled Canadian scientist in late March 2019.
#COVID19 #Healthcare #WuhanLabs #China #Science
Saving America #75
On Saving America 75, flooding from Hurricane Ida demonstrates that America needs actual infrastructure repairs rather than a bogus human infrastructure bill, while the Supreme Court rejects Bidumb’s illegal eviction moratorium.
#HurricaneIda #Infrastructure #HumanInfrastructureBill #JoeBiden #Evictions #RealEstate #SupremeCourt
Saving America #74
On Saving America 74, Bidumb’s weak and deceptive behavior while pulling out of Afghanistan has caused severe damage to the USA’s foreign relations. America needs to stand up and impeach him!
#JoeBiden #ForeignRelations #Afghanistan #Impeachment #KamalaHarris #NancyPelosi
Saving America #73
On Saving America 73, if we impeach Biden for gross incompetence in Afghanistan and across the board, Giggles Harris then Lobotomized Pelosi stand to inherit the presidency. 3-for-1 Impeachment Sale, anyone? Everyone must go?
#JoeBiden #ForeignRelations #Afghanistan #Impeachment #KamalaHarris #NancyPelosi
Saving America #72
On Saving America 72, America has to wonder if the 2021 Social Security and Medicare Reports were unnecessarily delayed so their findings couldn’t be used to oppose the Human Infrastructure Bill.
#SocialSecurity #Medicare #AnnualReports #HumanInfrastructureBill
Saving America #71
On Saving America 71, America is leaving far too much behind under Bidumb, including $83B worth of military equipment in Afghanistan, and our sense of equal justice as Ashli Babbit’s killer walks free post Jan 6th.
#ForeignRelations #Military #Afghanistan #JoeBiden #Terrorism #January6th #AshliBabbitt
Saving America #70
On Saving America 70, 9/11 taught America that we need to implement the best terrorism alert systems, and to vet immigrants BEFORE they arrive in the USA. Bidumb is ignoring these lessons, and has brought us full circle in Afghanistan.
#ForeignRelations #Military #Afghanistan #JoeBiden #9/11 #Terrorism
Saving America #69
On Saving America 69, China is now building 250 nuclear missiles that can hit America, and has already built the world’s largest navy in the 20 years the USA has been preoccupied with Afghanistan.
#ForeignRelations #China #Military #NuclearWeapons #Afghanistan
Saving America #68
On Saving America 68, Bidumb is flagrantly violating the Constitution, the traditional separation of powers, and the law itself. He should be impeached, but Giggles Harris and Lobotomized Pelosi are next in line.
#JoeBiden #Constitution #SeparationOfPowers #Impeachment #KamalaHarris #NancyPelosi
Saving America #67
On Saving America #67, Bidumb’s administration is taking the law into its own hands by hiding evidence of Palestinian terrorism from Congress and by sitting on evidence from the Jan. 6th attack.
#JoeBiden #ForeignRelations #Palestine #Terrorism #January6th #Congress
Saving America #66
On Saving America 66, the SEC has taken a good idea – diversity in the boardroom – and turned it into an authoritarian mandate to placate the woke mob.
#SEC #Diversity #Business #WokeMob
Saving America #65
On Saving America 65, Bidumb has outdone himself causing chaos as America pulls out of Afghanistan, then demanding OPEC increase oil and gas production to compensate for his cutting the Keystone Pipeline and Federal Land Oil Leases.
#JoeBiden #Military #Afghanistan #Oil&Gas #KeystonePipeline #OPEC
Saving America #61
On Saving America 61, Facebook has taken censorship to an absurd level, Hunter Biden raises even more ethical red flags through his “art” sales, and Antifa attacks a Christian prayer meeting in Portland.
#Facebook #BigTech #Censorship #HunterBiden #ANTIFA #Terrorism
Saving America #60
On Saving America 60, Biden is on extremely shaky legal ground with his eviction moratorium extension. Meanwhile, it’s Govs. DeSantis and Abbott versus Bidumb in a mask mandate war (and every single one of them is wrong). And, the Infrastructure bill is a staggering waste of money that the Republicans who voted for it should be ashamed of supporting.
#JoeBiden #EvictionMoratorium #COVID19 #RonDeSantis #GregAbbott #MaskMandates #InfrastructureBill
Saving America #59
On Saving America 59, Bidumb has (unconstitutionally) declared cars need to be electric by 2030. This is in many ways a terrible idea.
#JoeBiden #ClimateChangeHoax #Environment #EnergyCrisis #ElectricVehicles
Saving America #57
In Saving America 57, the United Nations Human Rights Commission (chock full of depressingly ironic members) will be investigating systemic racism in the USA, pointing America toward the rabbit hole of paying slavery reparations.
#UnitedNations #HumanRights #BlackLivesMatter #SystemicRacism #SlaveryReparations
Saving America #56
In Saving America 56, stupidity abounds as DC’s mayor chooses BLM over Cuba, the woke mob tries to remove gender from birth certificates, and the border sits wide open despite dangerous conditions for migrants and harsh spikes in both drug and COVID deaths.
#BlackLivesMatter #ForeignRelations #Cuba #Gender #WokeMob #BorderCrisis #COVID19 #FentanylCrisis
Saving America #54
In Saving America 54, the politics of ice cream are heating up as Ben & Jerry’s wades into the Israel/Palestine conflict, and Israel pressures the USA to prosecute their technically illegal boycott.
#ForeignRelations #Israel #Palestine #Ben&Jerrys #Boycott #MiddleEast
Saving America #53
In Saving America 53, Russia now has hyper-sonic weapons, a huge surge forward for their military and a major setback for global security. The US military needs to focus its money and resources on technology and counter-espionage, before it is left behind.
#ForeignRelations #Russia #Military #HypersonicWeapons #GlobalSecurity #Technology
Saving America #52
In Saving America 52, Congress has finally noticed Jan. 6th protestors may lose their right to own guns or vote, while BLM rioters continue to be released. But will they act? Meanwhile, Cuomo will not even be investigated for the COVID nursing home scandal.
#Congress #January6th #Guns #ElectionIntegrity #AndrewCuomo #COVID19 #NursingHomeScandal
Saving America #50
On Saving America 50, Biden accepts enough immigrants from Mexico that the military is shipping them around to hide their numbers. But those fleeing communist or totalitarian regimes such as Haiti and Cuba are returned or rerouted. This seems fair…
#JoeBiden #BorderCrisis #ForeignRelations #Immigration #Mexico #Cuba #Haiti
Saving America #49
In Saving America #49, the courts act as a last stand for American democracy in Biden’s America, looking at the DACA program, Section 230 complaints, and sentencing Jan. 6th and BLM rioters.
#JoeBiden #SupremeCourt #DACA #Section230 #BlackLivesMatter #January6th
Saving America #46
In Saving America 46, China has tricked Montenegro into giving them land for a military base and bought a port in Greece – a deeply disturbing trend as they edge toward global domination.
#ForeignRelations #China #Montenegro #Greece #CCP
Saving America #45
Democracy is on trial in Saving America 45 as Biden faces an oil and gas lawsuit for lost Keystone Pipeline profits, parts of the COVID19 stimulus bill are ruled illegal, and Trump takes on Big Tech & the First Amendment.
#JoeBiden #KeystonePipeline #COVID19 #Stimulus #DonaldTrump #BigTech #1stAmendment
Saving America #43
“Giggles” Harris accomplished virtually nothing on her trip to the US/Mexico border, particularly when contrasted with Trump and Abbott’s trip days later. Meanwhile, Biden is doing his best to hide the origins of the COVID virus – especially its connection to his son Hunter. Then, Zac Stucki (founder of Homeric Consulting and expert on the economic principles originated by Harvard professor Clayton Christensen) joins me to discuss how many of America’s problems could be fixed by adhering to these principles. You can find Zac online at www.HomericConsulting.com.
Saving America #42
Biden’s administration has an obvious – and alarming – vendetta against Israel. Alienating our primary ally in the Middle East is not only stupid, it’s also dangerous. Meanwhile, another Clinton detractor, Christopher Sign, has died suddenly and mysteriously. Officially, it was ruled a suicide. But was it really? Later, author, speaker, and modern Renaissance man Scott F. Paradis joins me to discuss the American political system and his latest book, “Sheep, Herders, Wolves- Why We Are What We Are: A Modern American Fable.” You can find him online at www.scottfparadis.com.
Saving America #41
Biden failed both America and the oil & gas industry at G7 while the DA of Portland refused to prosecute 80% of criminal rioters. And with the Tiangong Space Station, the USA is officially losing the 2nd Space Race. Later, Dr. Mary Grabar joins me to discuss how American history is being falsified and rewritten by the likes of Howard Zinn and the 1619 Project. She is the author of “Debunking Howard Zinn,” the forthcoming “Debunking the 1619 Project,” and the founder of the Dissident Professor Project (https://www.dissidentprof.com/). Find her online at https://www.marygrabar.com/.
Saving America #40
While half the violent protesters in the Portland riots have been released without charge, and a flood of violent inmates been released from prison over the past year, many non-violent protesters from the 1/6 Capitol riot remain in jail. Where’s the equal justice here? Meanwhile, it seems that up to HALF of the funds that were given to Americans in need to recover from the pandemic have been stolen through a variety of scams. We need a thorough investigation, and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law! My guest this week is Dr. Heather Williamson, who joins me to discuss how employers can build trust in the workplace, how to secure and retain top talent, and her bestselling book “Magnetic Trust: How Great Leaders Keep Top Performers and Get Extraordinary Results.”
Saving America #39
In the Season 3 premiere of “Saving America,” I discuss the roaring inflation in the USA, question whether the people who “accidentally” leaked IRS records of wealthy Americans will actually be prosecuted, and describe my recent trip to Greece and the reality of international travel in the late COVID era.
Saving America #38.95
I discuss how Santorini teaches the world a lesson in fragility.
Saving America #38.75
I discuss some of the lessons America can learn from the occupation of Crete by Nazi forced during World War 2.
Saving America #38.5
I discuss some of the lessons America can learn from the fall of Athens, which was the pinnacle of Western civilization and the heart of Ancient Greece’s power.
Saving America #38.25
I preview some of the challenges of traveling post-COVID, which I will discuss more fully in the Season 3 premiere of Saving America on 6/21/2021.
Saving America #38
In this episode of Saving America, I explain how the TX Special Election shows an upswing in conservative support, discuss the Colonial Pipeline hack, describe how the bloodless “Progressive” coup is costing the US jobs, and call out Biden for funding Palestinian attacks. I also discuss the federal government’s continued refusal to prosecute Antifa. My guest this week is podcaster, bestselling author, and modern Renaissance man Naresh Vissa, who joins me to discuss the evolving New American Civil War.
Saving America #37
In this episode of Saving America, I discuss the lies and misrepresentations in Biden’s “100 Days” speech, and the lawsuit being filed against Biden for racism by Faust Farms. My guest this week is author and political scientist Michaela Cox, who discusses her book “We the People Are?”
Saving America #36
In Episode #36 of Saving America, I discuss the unnecessary and unconstitutional proposal to make Washington DC a state, how a Florida McDonalds is underscoring the need to eliminate supplemental unemployment benefits, and the downplayed Marxist messaging in Biden’s executive order on Russia. My guest this week is blogger and author Steve Connally, who joins me to discuss his open letter to the Commissioner of Baseball, a prank he pulled to demonstrate the danger of mail-in voting, and his book, “The God Bet.”
Saving America #35
In Episode #35 of Saving America, I highlight the inequality of justice between the Ashli Babbitt and George Floyd police shooting responses, Nancy Pelosi’s hypocritical defense of Maxine Waters’ riot-inciting statements, the ridiculous concept of “equitable math,” and the White House’s defense of a UN ambassador who declared the U.S. founding documents “racist.” I describe Kamala Harris’s intent to bypass visiting the southern border in favor of visits to Mexico and Guatemala to beg for a bailout of Biden’s disastrous immigration policies, and discuss New York’s intention to give economic relief money to illegal immigrants. My guest this week is Dr. Paul Sambataro, a neurocognitive scientist and Director of the Houston Behavioral Health Institute (https://emotionalbudgeting.com/), and author of The Emotional Budgeting Workbook.
Saving America #34
In this episode of Saving America, I discuss Biden’s attempt to bypass the 2nd Amendment through executive orders and address the rumor that Biden intends to pack the Supreme Court. My guest this week is financial columnist Jim Mosquera, author of the Escaping Oz and Scott Chandler books and founder of Alliance University (https://www.alliance-u.co/).
Saving America #33
In this episode of Saving America, I discuss the terrorist attack by Noah Green that killed one Capitol policeman and injured another, and give an update on the southern border situation. I do a round-up of rumors, including that a woke mob is halting construction of a highway and that the Biden administration is sending money to Iran and to Palestine. My guest this week is Jonathan McElvy of McElvy Partners. Jonathan owns and operates several community newspapers, and joined me to discuss the perks of truly local news coverage as well as the meta-crisis currently being faced by the news media.
Saving America #32
In this episode of Saving America, I discuss the much-contested Election Integrity Act of 2021 and question Biden’s choice to increase corporate tax rates in the name of economic recovery. Then, Mayra Addison returns to the show to discuss how politics is influencing the energy industry.
Saving America #31
In this episode of Saving America, I discuss a litany of news items (including an update on Biden’s Border Crisis, the frenzy to dismantle the filibuster, and the staggering salaries of pro sports players). I then explain the distressing rumor regarding a power play by the Chinese Communist Party. Finally, I explore the concept of Systemic Corporate Wokeness with my guest, Stephanie Kaplan of CorporateWokeplace.com.
Saving America #30
In this episode of Saving America, I discuss a laundry list of Biden’s blunders, including the border crisis and his failure of a 1st international summit. I then discuss the concept of “baizuos,” which is reportedly how the Chinese Communist Party refers to American liberals. I close by interviewing May Wang, COO of Mark Kamin & Associates, about both her business and her experiences as a 1st generation America (originally from Taipei).
Saving America #29
I discuss the crisis on the southern border caused by Biden’s actions, ask if the teacher’s unions refusal to return to the classroom has contributed to an increase in teen suicides and drug overdoses, and contrast arrests from the west-coast riots with those following the 1/6 Capital riot.
Saving America #28
In this episode of Saving America, I discuss the dire implications of the “American Rescue Plan,” the rumor that Biden is rapidly becoming incompetent, and interview Mayra Addison about her experiences living under socialism in Argentina, and the slope toward socialism she is seeing in recent legislation.
Saving America #27
In this episode of Saving America, I describe the court-ordered halt on Biden’s deportation freeze, address the rumor that Biden has dementia, and discuss the ill-named Equality Act with my guest Andrea Widburg.
Saving America #26
In this episode of Saving America, I discuss my lack of surprise that the Kangaroo Court voted not to impeach Donald Trump in retrospect, posit Cuomo’s possible federal indictment after the nursing home fiasco, and explain why the proposed stimulus bill is so full of pork it’s oinking.
Saving America #25
In this episode, I discuss the death and impact of Rush Limbaugh, note how the Left is now throwing Cuomo under the proverbial bus, and explain the winter emergency in Texas.
Saving America #24
In this episode of Saving America, I relay the news from Joe Biden’s America, explain the proposed Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, and discuss inaugural addresses with guest Hiett Ives.
Saving America #23
On this episode of Saving America, we review Kevin Clinesmith’s slap on the wrist and the proposed H.R. 1 “For the People Act,” discuss the rumor that Congress will enact the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from ever holding office again, and interview Professor Beverly Barrett, author of “A Time to Heal.”
Saving America #22
In this episode of Saving America, we discuss the impact of shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, the rumor that all current ICE detainees will be released, and the effect the proposed pork-barrel stimulus package would have on inflation.
Saving America #21
In this episode of Saving America, we discuss some early impacts of Biden’s promised policies, the role China may have played in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, and a selection of Biden’s administrative appointments.
Saving America #20
In this episode of Saving America, we discuss the hypocrisy of the Left’s response to the January 6th riot, address the rumor that the riot was actually instigated by Antifa affiliates, and liken recent censorship by Big Tech to Hitler’s “Big Lie” rhetorical technique.
Saving America #19
In our first full-length episode of 2021, we discuss the emerging post-holiday “surge #3” of COVID-19, Trump’s telephone call pressuring Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and the chaos surrounding the initial rollout of the COVID vaccine for Group 1B.
Saving America #18.5
That’s a wrap for 2020! Have a wonderful holiday season, and we will see you back here in January for Season 2 of Saving America!
Saving America #18.25
David Schein discusses the resignation of U.S. Attorney General William Barr.
Saving America #18
In this episode of Saving America, we discuss the pro-Biden bias in post-election news coverage, look at the rumors about Biden’s intended cabinet appointments, and further discuss election fraud.
Saving America #17
David Schein and Sandy Lawrence discuss the repeated pandemic-related openings and closings of public schools, the possibility that the FBI is now investigating the election fraud allegations, and the most recent round of COVID-related stimulus talks.
Saving America #16
In this episode of Saving America, we discuss the new shutdown orders in New York City and Los Angeles, the hypocrisy of Newsom’s maskless dinner, and the ways the pandemic is impacting the holidays.
Saving America #15
On this episode of Saving America, Dave and Sandy comb through the continued election fallout, question the politics behind the timing of the vaccine announcements, and interview a merchant mariner who spent 9 months quarantined on a ship due to COVID.
Saving America #14
David Schein and co-host Sandy Lawrence discuss the 2020 ballot recounts, the alleged “socialist takeover” of America, and the upcoming runoff election for the Georgia Senate.
Saving America #13
David Schein and co-host Sandy Lawrence review the results of the 2020 Presidential election, discuss the “Blue Wave” of support that never materialized, and call for term limits for elected officials.
Saving America #12
David Schein and Sandy Lawrence discuss the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court Justice, review the rumors surrounding Joe and Hunter Biden, & rehash the 2nd Presidential debate.
Saving America #11
David Schein and Sandy Lawrence discuss social media censorship of the right, rehash a tangle of rumors surrounding the presidential election and healthcare, and take a closer look at campaign financing.
Saving America #10
Dave and Sandy discuss the most recent round of economic stimulus talks, Michael Moore’s claim that Trump never actually had COVID, and the vice-presidential debate.
Saving America #9
Dave and Sandy discuss Donald Trump’s COVID diagnosis, question whether college students will really lose their healthcare if Obamacare is repealed, and present the facts about the dangers of voting by mail.
Saving America #8
Dave and Sandy unpack the death of Breonna Taylor and its aftermath, address the rumor that Trump will not peacefully transfer power if he is not re-elected, and call for transparency in medical pricing.
Saving America #7.5
Dave and Sandy unpack and analyze the key points from the Trump/Biden Presidential Debate.
Saving America #7
Dave and Sandy discuss the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the resulting Supreme Court vacancy, question whether the Obamacare pre-existing condition coverage clause is helping anyone, and call for reduced government interference in business.
Saving America #6
Dave and Sandy discuss Bob Woodward’s new book “Rage,” question whether Biden would really have handled the COVID-19 pandemic better than Trump, and discuss America’s failed War on Poverty.
Saving America #5
Dave and Sandy remember 9-11, question whether Trump really criticized American soldiers while in France, and discuss the Trump administration’s foreign relations.
Saving America #4
Dave and Sandy discuss the non-event that was the Republican National Convention, including whether the Republicans could – or should – replace Mike Pence. They also question whether Trump is actually responsible for the violent protests in the Pacific Northwest, and discuss how COVID-19 is impacting the return to school for higher education.
Saving America #3
Dave and Sandy discuss discuss the Democratic National Convention, whether the U.S. Postal Service needs to be fixed, and the national debt.
Saving America #2
Dave and Sandy discuss Kamala Harris as Biden’s Vice Presidential candidate, whether or not Trump has the authority to solve Congressional disputes through executive orders, and how the situation in the Pacific Northwest resembles a New American Civil War.
Saving America #1
Dave and Sandy discuss gender identity, ask whether Trump is really only out to help the top 1%, and talk about the logistics and woes of the schools reopening during a pandemic.