Virtue Ethics & Justice Theory

There are also two (comparatively) minor categories of ethical analysis: Virtue Ethics, made famous by ancient Greek philosophers, and the Justice/ Rights theory, created by Harvard philosophy professor John Rawls in the 1960s & 1970s. Learn more on episode 180 of Business Law 101! #Ethics #Philosophy #BusinessEthics #BusinessLaw101 #Podcast #Video #Business #Education #College #Student #Law #BusinessLaw


Thanks for joining me for this episode! I’m a Houston- based attorney, run an HR Consulting company called Claremont Management Group, and am a tenured professor at the University of St. Thomas. I’ve also written several non-fiction political commentary books: Bad Deal for America (2022) explores the Vegas-style corruption running rampant in Washington DC, while The Decline of America: 100 Years of Leadership Failures (2018) analyzes – and grades – the leadership qualities of the past 100 years of U.S. presidents. You can find my books on Amazon, and me on social media (Twitter @DSchein1, LinkedIn @DavidSchein, and Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube @AuthorDavidSchein). I’d love to hear from you!


As always, the opinions expressed in this podcast are mine and my guests’ and not the opinions of my university, my company, or the businesses with which I am connected.

The National Debt & Titanic’s Deckchairs

Watching Congress fight over the national budget is like watching them rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic. Neither political party has the stones to take the drastic action we need to fix the debt crisis. #SavingAmerica #politics #podcast #video #NationalDebt #Congress #Budget


Thanks for joining me for this episode! I’m a Houston- based attorney, run an HR Consulting company called Claremont Management Group, and am a tenured professor at the University of St. Thomas. I’ve also written several non-fiction political commentary books: Bad Deal for America (2022) explores the Vegas-style corruption running rampant in Washington DC, while The Decline of America: 100 Years of Leadership Failures (2018) analyzes – and grades – the leadership qualities of the past 100 years of U.S. presidents. You can find my books on Amazon, and me on social media (Twitter @DSchein1, LinkedIn @DavidSchein, and Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube @AuthorDavidSchein). I’d love to hear from you!


As always, the opinions expressed in this podcast are mine and my guests’ and not the opinions of my university, my company, or the businesses with which I am connected.

“Blue & Red Crime Rates” Now Streaming

This claim that conservative governments result in higher crime rates is clearly a leftist spin on the facts. The data shows blue counties are increasing the crime rates. Don’t let them manipulate you – check out Saving America 274 to learn more! #SavingAmerica #politics #podcast #video #Crime #Media #Bias


Thanks for joining me for this episode! I’m a Houston- based attorney, run an HR Consulting company called Claremont Management Group, and am a tenured professor at the University of St. Thomas. I’ve also written several non-fiction political commentary books: Bad Deal for America (2022) explores the Vegas-style corruption running rampant in Washington DC, while The Decline of America: 100 Years of Leadership Failures (2018) analyzes – and grades – the leadership qualities of the past 100 years of U.S. presidents. You can find my books on Amazon, and me on social media (Twitter @DSchein1, LinkedIn @DavidSchein, and Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube @AuthorDavidSchein). I’d love to hear from you!


As always, the opinions expressed in this podcast are mine and my guests’ and not the opinions of my university, my company, or the businesses with which I am connected.